This is one of Greg’s most fulfilling services offered as he is allowed to spend time with individuals and collective groups within firms. This closer understanding of individual and collective thought processes, cultures and philosophies within firms helps significantly in Greg’s ability to provide meaningful thoughts and possible follow-up assistance. And because of Greg’s deep hands-on experience, firm participants quickly gain confidence in what he has to say and therefore, ability to facilitate.
Greg can approach and prep for these retreats in a number of different ways. One approach is to design, administer and summarize a pre-retreat questionnaire that confidentially gather’s the participant’s individual and collective perspectives on matters to be discussed at the retreat. The summarized responses then act as a launching point for facilitated discussions on strategic matters when this process is used to kick-off a strategic mapping engagement. Another retreat preparation approach is to agree on facilitation subject matters without more than basic general preparation. Either way, at the conclusion of any retreat, Greg issues a summary report covering the process performed, matters discussed, conclusions reached and, if necessary, matters to follow-up on.
This is essentially strategic planning, however, Greg’s facilitation approach and methods result in the creation of a visual “map.” The “map” allows the planning process to be more understandable and efficient with follow-up actionable items for easier implementation. This process starts with administering a pre-planning questionnaire (see Retreat Facilitating Service above) with responses confidentially summarized before the first of two to possibly three planning sessions. Greg then facilitates the “Strategy Map” building process by helping the planning participants reach consensus on:
Where they are today
Where they want to be in the future
How they agree to get there (strategies drilled down to actionable steps), and Goals, metrics and
dashboards that are essential for implementation focus.